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Press Area

About Demeto

The value chain of PET is quite complex. It consists of several steps that are linked in cross-sectorial interactions involving multiple companies across the European and worldwide market. It is at the end of that life cycle that DEMETO proposes its innovative technology: the first feasible and sustainable (economically, environmentally and socially) industrial application of chemical treatment for reuse of PET/Polyester waste streams. Thanks to a process intensifying approach based on innovative usage of microwave radiations, DEMETO’s recycling technology will provide an indefinite life to PET, allowing to come back to its composing elements (Ethylene Glycol, EG, and Terephtalic Acid, PTA) without degrading the materials and, consequently, paving the way for a disruptive, large-scale circular economy for plastic products.


General Presentation
1st Brochure
2nd Brochure

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The research project DEMETO receives funding from the European Union‘s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) under grant agreement no. 768573.


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